Wednesday, December 2, 2009


first test of the semester! it was in geography, the really confusing class. the subject is a piece of cake, but the french, being the only international in there, room changes, class cancelations with no warning, teaching assistant unaware of what's going on, the lack of communication to the students and the lack of students communicating with me other than blatantly judging me makes it not so smooth. for all these reasons, i showed up an hour late for the test. thankfully, it was fine- i could still take it, and had one minute to spare for finishing my eighth page of writing in french. hope it went well!
joanna came and prayed with me afterwards, and i realized just how exhausted i was from life recently. good ole talkin with the my best friend, the creator of the universe, with a friend. i was ucnertain how the weekend would go- i planned to spend friday, saturday and sunday with mathilde and her french family, in a small town nearby with absolutely no control or idea of how it would go.
and it was great! we took the train to her home, and i met her lovely family and dog whose name in french means grumpy old man. dad is a "professor of sport," which i forgot means coach in english (gulp, oh man) and inquisitive in jsut the perfect amount about my life and the states. mom is a doctor with kids, cooks amazingly and is really chill. paul, her brother, is my age, with a disability that i think qualifies him as a little person and he is easy going. manon is 13, is obsessed with twilight, and looks exactly like mathilde.
their house is a home, they all get along, they like and love each other, they enjoyed me being there- it was magnificent. they were so affectionate, and bickering like siblings, and mom gave me leftovers and a christmas present to take home. we pretty much just relaxed, ate dinner and watched an old french film about a food critic (go figure).

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